The Venue, Stucley Road, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8AR

Safety Policy

  1. Those in charge of the child/children are solely responsible for the control, care and safety of their child/children at all times whilst at The Venue Bude. The Venue Bude cannot accept any such responsibility.
  2. Those in charge of the child/children are under no circumstances allowed to leave the building without taking the child/children within their care with them.
  3. The Venue Bude reserves the right to require anyone, child or adult, to leave if their behaviour is likely to threaten the safety or enjoyment of others.
  4. All notices regarding the safe use of the equipment must be observed at all times. Refusal to observe these notices will result in the child or adult being asked to leave as in 3 above.
  5. In the event of any accident or injury please report to a member of the team.
  6. We reserve the right to limit periods of play during weekends and school holidays – minimum play entitlement 2 hours subject to advertised opening times.
  7. Children’s dress code: Socks must be worn at all times. Shoes must not be worn on any of the equipment.
  8. We recommend that children wear clothing which covers their arms and legs whilst playing. Jewellery, and any loose objects in pockets should be removed prior to play.
  9. The toddler area is specifically designed for children of a height of 1 metre or less. Children taller than 1 metre should refrain from using this area. Please see our leaflet on toddler safety for further details.
  10. Food and drink must not be taken into the toddler area or on to any of the play equipment without exception.
  11. We are strictly a no smoking venue. This includes not permitting the use of electronic devices on our premises.
  12. Planet Play takes no responsibility for property lost or left behind on the premises. Found items will be donated to charity if not collected within 14 days.
  13. Closed Circuit Camera’s are part of the security procedures of the building and are for the sole use of the Company only.